The times and democrat from Orangeburg, South Carolina (2025)

Page 6. THE TIMES AND DEMOCRAT, Orangeburg, S.C.. Wednesday, February 9, 1972 today's FUNNY SPCA Meetf on Here Os Product live FlftO. HEWITT State Farm Insurance Reading Instructors Certified A busy and productive meeting was held by the Maude Schiffley Chapter of the SPCA Monday night at the County Library. One of the first orders of business was to elect a new it, it; kr nu, im.

a petition to the government of Canada, requesting them to halt the slaughter of baby harp seals. More than 200 names from Orangeburg were on the petition which is one being circulated throughout the United States. Committee chairmen and members of committees were announced, and will be made public later. Mrs. Doris Irick, vice president, announced that at least six animals were placed in adoptive homes over the past weekend, including the cat whose picture was in the paper.

It was decided that meetings will be held on a monthly basis, the first Tuesday of each month. The next regular meeting will be held, therefore, on March 7, but it was deemed necessary to hold an interim meeting on Feb. 22 in order to receive committee reports on important projects, since there is so much business to be settled' in getting the organization under way. Mrs. Ulmer said the Tuesday meeting will be held at the At the final session of the Library at 7:30 p.m.

Dues are now payable and were collected at the meeting from those present. Others wishing to pay dues may do so by contacting Mrs. Ulmer or the treasurer, Mrs. Ed Slaughter Jr. Active dues are $5, junior dues are 50 cents and supporting dues are $10.

Business dues will be $25. recent Laubach reading tutor training course, 19 participants secretary to replace Mrs. Buddy Wehman. Mrs. Wehman, who had served only two weeks Auto, Homeowners, Life, Health .389 Russell, N.

E. received certificates of com pletion, according to Mrs Frances Frampton, one of the as secretary or tne newly organized group, regretfully submitted her resignation, and that of her husband, who was a now IttV Fronces lentoe ft SHrA, Holly. Colo, fj two program instructors. Mrs. Frampton and Mrs.

Clara Irick of Vance conducted Student Faces Charges committee chairman, because they will soon be transferred the required eight-hour training program which qualifies par from Orangeburg by Wehman's company. Mrs. Sherrinanne Adcox accepted the position of ticipants to work with students and adults who are ex secretary. periencing reading difficulties. The main order of business "The Laubach method of Wade Hampton Academy Honor Roll Listed Department is investigating a break-in either Monday night or Tuesday morning at J.

W. Pickens Co. on South Broughton St. in which nothing was reported missing. Detective Sgt.

Harold Carter said Daniels was charged with was the question of a shelter. A 25-year-old Claflin College student, identified as Prince Daniels has been arrested and charged with five counts of theft from an auto, grand larceny, by the Orangeburg City Police Department. At the same time, it was announced that the Detective 'each one, teach one' has been used extensively throughout the area this year as a method of The immediate need of such a shelter was discussed and some suggestions will be acted upon. assisting seventh and eighth grade students in strengthening Mrs. Becky Ulmer, president reading skills, Mrs.

Irick said breaking into automobiles and stealing tape recorders in the Orangeburg Mall and Orangeburg Regional Hospital areas. Two have been recovered, he said. The warrant for Daniels' arrest was sworn out before Magistrate Tom Friday by Patrolman J. O. Vallentine.

He is being held in the county jail while the investigation continues, Sgt. Carter said. The break-in at J. W. Pickens was reported at 8:30 a.m.

Tuesday. Entry had been made through a window on the north side of the building. Identification Officer Clark Ryder is in charge of the investigation, Sgt. Carter said. of the group, announced that a sizable donation had been made by a woman from Calhoun Anderson Wreck Kills Four Tutors are at work at both Thackston and Brookdale Junior High Schools on a County In memory of some of the dogs she has owned.

ANDERSON.S.C (AP)-Four men have died in Anderson regular basis with students who It was agreed that the Maude County's worst highway accident of the year. Schiffley Chapter will not be a no mm The Wade Hampton Academy Honor Roll for the first semester of 1971-72 was announced Tuesday. It is as follows Seventh grade: 4.0, all A's. Larry Lake and Karen Horger; 3.5 or higher (no C's), Linda Frierson, Karen Fogle, Edsel Garrick, Jamey Bethune, Tina Fogle, Ginger Kearse, Sheri Meyers. Jane Thompson, Joni Thomas, Beth Holman, John King and Bill Salley.

Eighth grade: 4.0, Leize Plowden and Hope Northrup; the point of impact. Killed were Clarence Ellen-burg, 38, Rt. 6, Anderson, alone in the truck; and, in the car, Ralph E. Ashley 21. Rt.

1, Honea Path; Herbert Edward Craft, 16, Rt. 9, Anderson; and Sammy Stephen Fisher, 17, Rt. 2, Iva. county organization, but an area organization, encompassing both Calhoun and Three in a car and one in a truck were killed Monday night in a collision on Airline Road. Officers reported the car was six feet across the center line at Bamberg counties.

Members of the group signed have identified reading needs. Sponsored by the Orangeburg Literacy Association, the recent training program was the third course held this year. Approximately 60 tutors have been certified during these sessions. Those receiving certificates at the recent program were: Mrs. Barbara Austin, Mrs.

Carolyn Aldridge, Mrs. Ella Bird, Mrs. Elease Barrack, Mrs. Florence Barr, Mrs. Dilys Back.

Mrs. Emory Bozard and 3.5, Terri Gillam, Kay Culler, Sheryl Hughes. Elizabeth Lester, Sheryl Hunter, Julie Strickland, Harold Gates, Laurie Johnson and Mary SbdidDlBWvm nn service UUSTORES So well. Mrs. Frances Caver.

Also. Mrs. Sarah Gardner, Frank Handal, Mrs. Virginia King, Mrs. Joan Mabry, Mrs.

Ninth grade: 4.0, Beth Fogle and Susan Collier; 3.5, Susie Durgin, Susan Thomas, John Culclasure, Debbie Stone, Steve Gladys Nordin, Mrs. Albertha Hyant, Mrs. Clara Robinson, Williams, Sheryl Davis, Kathy Lake, Mark Mizzell, Beth Varn, Mrs. Marjorie Tyler. Mrs.

Evelyn Whisenant, Hugh E. Dianne Hawkins, Carlotte Walker, Dianne Bair, Marty Heaton and Cathy Thomas. Tenth grade: 4.0. Susan Hunter and Betsy Pou; 3.5, Mary Lib Triplett, Robin Vroman and Mrs. Toni Vroman Handicapped Education Bill Wins Approval McManus.

Gail Price. Marybeth Fogle and Katrina Murphy. Eleventh grade: 4.0, Jimmy Foster; 3.5, Leslie Hildebrand, Sheryl Martin. Keith Pautler, COLUMBIA. S.C.

(AP) A bill that will set up mandatory public education for handicapped children in South Carolina has won final approval in (he General Assembly. The House concurred Tuesday with a minor Senate Beth McMahan, Susan King, Jan Livingston, Rene Smith and Bert Shuler. Twelfth grade: 4.0, Meg Gamble, Jinny Jervey, Libby Northrup, Beth Klapman and amendment to the bill originally proposed by Hep. Thomas Smith, D-Florence. Mary Taylor; 3.5.

Karen Bedenbaugh, Mary Reid, o) 6 cyl. ku are jo ine measure win require a $900,000 appropriation in the 1972-73 state budget to be con IMGfiK Cynthia Arant, Nancy Gramling, Anneil Prince, Felicia Browne, Carolyne Autos sidered later this spring. Smith Triplett, Teresa Bly, Sarah is hopeful the program for Johnston and Mark Shuler. Utica Tool Gets Contract fern WASHINGTON, D. C.

Sen. CVL. CARS I MORE! Mrom inurmona nas an EXCEPT DISC BRAKES, FOREIGN CARS. handicapped children can be started in the state's public schools in September. A bill that would allow the State Insurance Commission to suspend the licenses of insurance adjusters who violate the rules and regulations of the commission was introduced by Rep.

Edmund G. Grant, D-Richland. A Senate-passed resolution calling for a nine-member committee to study the practicality of establishing a law research institute at the University of South Carolina Law School was sent to the Ways and Means Committee. nounced that the General Services Administration has approved a contract for an indefinite quantity of pliers to the Utica Tool Co. in Orangeburg.

Includes New Spark Plugs New Points New Condenser Our specialists will set dwell, choke Time Engine Balance Carburetor Test Starting, Charging systems, Cylinder compression, acceleration, OTHER PARTS EXTRA IF Install Brake Linings all 4 wheels Inspect Master Cylinder, Hydraulic Brake Hoses Remove, clean, inspect, repack Front Wheel Bearings Add new fluid Adjust all 4 brakes. If needed: Wheal Cyls. $7.50 Drums Turned $3 Front Grease Seals $4.50 Return Springs 50( ea. inurmona saia in tne one year contract beginning February 1, 1972 and running through January 31, 1973, sales could amount to $471,500. "M-WEATHEft frond mmmm 4-PLY NYLON CORD Tufsyn rubber in the tread body gives durability Smooth-running interlocking 'L tread gives traction Clean, classic sidcwall design 6 50x13 Blackwall tubeless plus $1.75 Fed.

Ex. Tax and old tire 1 1 Any U.S. Car Plus Parts If Needed Add $2 For Air-Cond. Autos neon 1 2o Complete front end inspection to help assure maximum tire mileage Camber, Caster, and Toe-in set by precision equipment to manufacturer's specifications 7.75x14; 1 25(14; 7.75x15; 8 25x15 Blackwall tubeless plus $2 Fed. Ex.

Tax and old tire 8 55x14 or 55x15 Blackwall tubeless plus J2.41-J2.48 Fed. Ex. Tax and old lira 7 BIG POWER DELUXE DDJME SELECT HER VALENTINE HEART FROM OUR BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OILMGE LUBRICATION OF mm i 'HAW' OATTERY 1995 12 Volt with eirltanie -Croup 24. 241 Pangburn's Chocolates egos Transmission and Differential oil check Complete chassis lubrication Full oil change Price includes all labor, and oil Master cyl hoses, return sprints extra it needed Except disc brakes foreign cars Say to your Sweetheart 'I love you," with a beautiful Valentine Heart packed with her favorite Pangburn's Chocolates, the luxury chocolates made with Milk and Honey. VALENTINE DAY IS FEBRUARY 14th Warm comaker Drug Co.


The times and democrat from Orangeburg, South Carolina (2025)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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