The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2025)


31-Miss MeParland of Mercersburg, is visiting her cousin, Miss Jennie Bard Dugdal. Miss Dugdale will be at home in honor of her guest, Monday afternoon in February, and will be glad to welcome many friends. Mrs. William Talbott, had her tonsils, removed at the University hospital on Tuesday. She was accompanied by Mrs.

W. H. Talbott and Mrs. 0. W.

Thompson. Mrs. R. G. Vame and Miss Elizabeth Cabell went to Roanoke Tuesday.

They will conduct a special sale of Mission work in Roanoke and Salem, for several days. Mr. Herbert Clond was a recent guest of his sister, Mrs. Elliott Back. Mrs.

Jack Ellis entertained a number of her. friends yesterday, afternoon, at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coiner. Capt.

R. M. Cabell spent Tuesday in Charlottesville. Mr. D.

B. Owens of Doyesville, passed through. here on Tuesday enroute, to Roanoke, where he will meeting of the Virginin Fruit. Growers' association. Mrs.

Wm. Lavell had the misfortune to fall in her home on Sunday evening, breaking the large bone in her wrist. She is resting comfortably. Mr. Penniman of Virginia seminary, filled the pulpit of St.

Johns last Sunday in the absence of Mr. Evans, who continues indesposed. Mrs. Edward Nininger spent Wednesday in Charlottesville. Mrs.

E. M. Cabell, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. F.

Brand, in Salem. is expected home this evening. Miss Elizabeth Cabell will return home this evening from Roanoke. The ladies of St. Johns guild will give a valentine tea Thursday afternoon February 14 from 4 to 6.

at the residence of Mrs. W. J. Loth. Mrs.

John Glendy is -improving after a recent severe illness. Mr. and Mrs. Glendy are visiting relatives in Bristol. Mrs.

Wm. De Rasset Scott has returned to her home in Graham N. C. after spending the week-end at the Cabell home. Mr.

R. G. Vance went to Roanoke Tuesday to attend a meeting of the Fruit Growers' association. from. and is visiting her Campbell.

Wemyss has returnparents, Mr; and Mrs. Bayol. Little Thomas Antrim Bell, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coiner, is quite sick with pneumonia at his home in Montgomery, Ala.

REV. RICHARDSON TALKS TO MEN'S BIBLE CLASS The Rev. G. W. Richardson, presiding elder of Rockingham district M.

E. church, South, gave an inspiring talk at the men's Bible class at the Y. M. C. A.

last night on the subject, "Can; we believe that life does not end?" 1. Mr. Richardson stated that every believer in the Bible must believe in the immortality of the soul. He used as a proof for his statement the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus and pictured this story in a vivid manners Thursday night, E. Daris, of the Second Presbyterian church will he the speaker, and the subject for discussion will be, do (we enlist in Jesus' cause?" TO BREACH ATE A STUARTS DRAFT The Rev.

W. G. Sommerville, of Hillaville, will, preach at Finley Memorial Presbyterian church Sunday 3, at 11 o'clock and at East Bethel, at 3. o'clock the same afternoon. IT BEATS ALL How Those Old Creaky Stiff Joints Limber Right Up With JOINT EASE Balance your partner down the center- Gosh! but don't it feel geod to have those.

old joints working as smooth and easy as those of the champion hurler at the State Fair. Funny, too; how Joint-Ease soaks right in and' in two minutes goes clear thru skin and flesh way down to the ligaments and bone. It surely does oil 'em up; takes out all the stiffness, lameness, kinks, soreness and swelling in next time, and makes you feel like buck again. Jcint-Ease is for bad acting joints in foot, ankle, knee, hip, shoulder. elbow, fingers or and for that purpose tis the selling remedy in America totube for 60 cents ut Willson and remember when Joint-Ease i joint agony gets ont -prompt-; Adv.

1-31-1t-ebp. Unison- On Jan. 7. 1923. the Rochleder sisters celebrated a double weddini; to New York One became Mrs.

Nat Wells (left) and the other Mrs. Henry Tewel. The other day they again celebrated a double event, each 5 mother. Mrs. Wells' hahy is a girl and Mrs.


V. Will, after an illness of a zie month. died suddenly yesterday at 11:30 o'clock from heart trouble, at her home near here. She had shown some improvement recently, but her heart collapsed today and the end came unexpectedly. She is survived by two sisters and one daughter--Mrs.

Michael Carter, of Weyers Cave, and Mrs. 'Ella: Earman, at home, and Miss Alice Will. Funeral services will be held Saturday from the Frieden's Reformed church at 11.30 a. the funeral party leaving the residence at' 11 clock. DEATH OF MRS.

COLLINS Pneumonia claimed Mrs. Elizabeth Collins, wife of the late Robert A. Collins, yesterday morning at her home, 101 West Hampton street, after but a few days illness, at the age of 62. She was the daughter of W. M.

and Mary Anne Deverick. Mrs. Collins is survived by one daughter, Miss Rose Collins, at home; five sons, J. A. Collins and H.

A. Collins, of this city; Charles Collins, of Youngstown, Ohio; J. B. Collins, of Alexandria, and J. F.

Collins, of Clifton Forge; one brother, John Deverick, of this city, and two sisters, Mrs. John Mills, of Staunton, and. Mrs. Emma McNeal, of Craigsville. At an early age) she united with the Union Presbyterian church in the county where she was a devotmember for many years, but after moving to Staunton transferred her membership to the Second Presbyterian church where she was a loyal member until her death.

The funeral will be held from the Union church today, at 2:30 p. conducted by her pastor, the Rev. W. E. Davis, assisted by her former pastor, the Rev.

Dr. Wm. C. White, of Churchville. The 'bearers will be; active, Harry King, O.

H. Painter, A. L. Critzer, J. C.

Hulvey, T. J. Crum, D. L. Lumsden; honorary, Grover Huffer, A.

H. Bragg, J. E. Hohn, Will Shifflett. BULGARIAN WOMEN MAKING DEMANDS (By.

The Associated Press.) Sofia, Bulgaria, Jan. The W0- men of Bulgaria have asked parliament for general suffrage, complete equality with men before the law. and the right to practice before the courts. The prentier is in favor of their voting for school boards and in municipal elections, but the minister of the interior is inclined to give the women all they seek The women are determined to take a more active part, in the politieal life of the country. BEAR KILLED IN GOSHEN PPASS A party of Lexington hunters killed a bear in Goshen Pass last Wednesday night.

They were out coon hunting when their dogs treed a half grown bear at Tucker's camp, which shot by Robert L. Funkhouser, Bruin tipped the scales at 75! pounds. In the party were Robert L. Funk-1 houser. Wilson P.

Coe, Jack Reynolds. William Showalter, Page Showalter and Dave Kinkaid. MT. TABOR Communion services will -be conat Mt. Tabor Lutheran at the Sunday morning serat eleven Services by pastor, the Rev.

P. L. Smith. DEATH OF DR. DUNLAP Rounding out 'a half century in the service of his community as a physician, Dr.

James C. Dunlap, raged 87, died Thursday midnight at his home in Middlebrook. He was' surgeon during the Civil war. Dunlap was a man of the highest type of character, a member of the Bethel Presbyterian church, and one of the oldest citizens of Middlebrook. Surviving is one son, Dr.

W. V. Dunlap, of Charleston, W. and three grandchildren, Page Massey, the daughter of Dr. W.

W. Dunlap, and Mra. W. J. Wayland, and Miss Frances Dunlap, of Middlebrook, the daughters of his late son, Dr.

Cary N. Dunlap. Funeral services will be conducted this afternoon, at 3 o'clock from the Bethel Presbyterian church, conducted by the pastor, the 'Rev. Herbert S. Turner.

Interment will be in the Bethel cemetery. The pallbearers will be. active, W. W. Sprout, H.

N. Hamilton, 0. W. Hamilton, Richard Hogshead, Warren Spitler, Dr. W.

Christman, Dr. W. F. Hyde, and C. D.

McClure; honorary, J. Alex Bumgardner, Wallace McClure, G. V. Rusmiselle, Robert W. H.

Mish, Dr. J. H. Thomas. Dr.

Kenneth Bradford, James Williams, Thos. F. Clemnier, Nelson Keesee, and Houston Larew. CNIQUE BIGAMY DEFENSE HAVANA, Jan. 31-Arrested for bigamy, Carlos, Melendez pleaded that he second wife to save her life, she having threatened to commit suicide.

Keep in Step! Allow us to introduce Mme. Hanoum Bombachi, woman commander of the 30th Regiment of Turkish cavalry. Snapped in Constantinople where. the colonel repently went on leave of absence Don't Make 'Em That Big! John 'Ansen, the Pacific const giant, came to New York the other day. The big boy thouzht ho'd tale a rest in his hotel room, and the picture above resulted.

DEERFIELD Deerfield, Jan. 31- The Washington Literary society held its regular meeting on last Saturday. Jan. 26. with a delightful program and reelection of officers, as follows: Roy Burgandine, president; Miss Beatrice vice-president; Nora Burgandine, secretary; Houston Rowe.

treasurer; Prof. S. C.I Hutton, critic. Georgia Fides, first assistant teacher of the Deerfield high school, has been quite ill for a few days with tonsilitis. J.

W. Montgomery, who has been indisposed for several days, is able to be tout again. Edna Harold of Deerfield, gave a supper on last Wednesday evening in honor of her friend, Hugh Hoy. Those present were: Misses Gladys and Beatrice Hoy and Olarice Thomas and Messre Hugh Hoy, Roy Burgandine and Hermon Shiflette. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Bartley of Craigsville, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.

Barttey. Miss Violet' Rowe is spending a few days in Staunton at the home of J. M. Houff. Prof.

S. Hutton, accompaled by Houston' Rowe, spent last week-end at his home near Waynesboro. P. McCall made a business trip to Staunton on last Wednesday. J.

H. Morris has gone to Bathmore where he has a position. Miss Vivian Lockridge, the school teacher of West Augusta, spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Lockridge -of Marble Valley.

J. W. Calhoun butchered and shipped quite a lot of fine turkeys on last Monday. SHERANDO Sherando, Jan. -Mrs.

Chloe Andrews of Staunton, is very ill at the home of her mother. Mrs. Truslow has returned from Newport News after visiting her mother, Mrs. S. B.

Hyden, for several weeks. Misses Dorothy and Evelyn Fitzgerald gave a party Monday icening. Mrs. Elizabeth Dedrick is not at all well this time. Little Anna.

Patterson, who had her tonsils removed recently, is improving. Mrs. Lucinda Hite is improying nicely following her illness. Bert Cainer is very ill at this time. Little Trene Anderson is also, quite ill.

WEYERS CAVE Weyers Cave, Jan. 31. -Mrs. H. A.

Rodeffer, who has been ill, is improving. Lester Houff, who was operated on recently at the King's Daughters' hospital, is getting on very well. Strother Moore Newman was reyesterday from the King's Daughters' hospital to the home of his sister. Mrs. J.

C. Wrenn of this place. A small son of Mr. and Mrs. T.

M. Wise who has been quite ill from pneumonia, is improving. Mrs. Theodore Glover has return- PROMINENT STUARTS DRAFT LADY PRAISES "VENDOL" Mrs. Stricker Surprised at Prompt Relief It 'Brings Her, Was In Bad RunDown Condition, Headaches, Nervousness, Dizzy Spells and Constipation Caused Much Suffering.

I'M TELLING ALL MY FRIENDS OF SHE SAYS. Nature always takes care of mankind. When we're sick and suffering the first thing we should try are the nature remedies which Mother Earth provides for the purposes of relieving those pain's and bringing back health. The reason Vendol brings relief after other medicines have failed 18 because it is a remarkable, scientific blend of the good old herbs, plants, roots and barks which have been used for years and years. Nature herself wrote the formula.

And it's a mighty good one as Mrs. C. Stricker, the popular housewife! living on Route 2, Stuarts Draft, Va. will tell you. She says: "I wish I had learned of Vendol long before I did.

Much of my fering could have been prevented, I was terribly weak and run down. Sick headaches all the time. I was very nervous and the least little thing startled me. spells came upon me a and I've had to grab hold of something to keep from "At night I just couldn't sleep. My kidneys bothered me so I'd have to get up many times and when I'd get back to bed I'd roll and toss for 4 long time before being able to doze off.

But Vendol quiekly put a stop to all my troubles and now I feel better than I have for years. I eat like a young girl and sleep the whole night thru waking up in the morning refreshed and happy. I'm telling all my, friends what Vendol has done for me. For relieving indigestion, livers, constipation, sick' headaches, nervousness, gas on the stomach, and weak rundown systems nothing (is better than the natural herbs from which Vendol is made. They build strength, make rich red blood and put the body in such a healthy robust condition that it is easily able to ward off the many other ills which are so common these days.

Vendol is being spesially introdueed and sold by Thos. Drug Will Represent British Here is the crack British hockey team, picked for Carruthers. H. D. Jukes, C.

Ross Cuthbert. A. Anderson. Left to right: B. Corruthers, T.

the Olympic ganes. and C. B. ed from a visit to' her parents at Washington, D. C.

Mrs. W. C. Leonard is suffering from an attack of laryngitis. NEWSPAPERS NOW WILL BE HANDLED IN MAILS WITH FASTEST SERVICE WASHINGTON, Jan, 31.

-Beginping Friday, newspapers will be accorded the same treatment in the mails as letters and other first class matter by an order made public by Postmaster General New. "The order," said Mr. "means much to the American public. It is one of the most important and far-reaching steps in postoffice history. It is for the benefit of those who desire to have their news papers placed before them at as early a moment as possible.

This should keep both the city and rural population in closer and quicker toueh with their several fields of acItivities." Under the new system, newspapers will be made up in separate sacks plainly labeled with the word "newspapere." If there are only a few coopies of newspapers at point of dispatch, they will be placed pouches with first class mail or in separate sacks even though the sacks are only partly filled. The order stipulates that newspapers shall not be mixed with parcel post at any point in their dispatch from the publishers offices until their delivery to the addressees. BRITON PRISONERS ON HONOR (By. The Associated Press) London, Jan. are prisons to a greater extent than for merly and it is found that this con 'fidence is not abused to any extent.

The plan is to form 'honor parties' of prisoners who are trusted to work being put on their honor in various without- continnous supervision. Old Homestead OhBoy! Flour Pancake Those golden brown flapjacks sure do taste like more when made with OLD HOMESTEAD PANCAKE FLOUR Just add water and cook COMMENCING SATURDAY, FEB. 2 We put every Man's and Boy's OVERCOAT on sale at Price All WINTER SUITS Price Winter Underwear and Sweaters Greatly Reduced No Goods Charged. Alterations Charged For WALTERS SWITZER vice the creaks, to no a young whether neck, spine fastest dar a Bros gets in Ty..

The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2025)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

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Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.