Natalie Portman - Bad Mommy - Chapter 2 - Pyro Steed (Prof_Pyro_Steed) - Natalie Portman (2024)

Chapter Text

Natalie Portman, movie star, thirty-nine, mother of two, stood in her renovated home gymnasium, a place that had become very familiar to her in recent months. Located in her basem*nt, this had been a neglected space in her house, with a treadmill that was rarely run on and a dusty bench her husband predictably overlooked. That status-quo changed rapidly once the beautiful actress was cast in the upcoming Thor sequel, reprising her role as Jane Foster and taking on the mantel of Mighty Thor. A robust home gym was a necessity and after some upgrades and equipment purchases she was a busy bench-pressing momma.

Rejoining the Marvel Cinematic Universe in this fashion was a career opportunity Natalie hadn’t been given before. Sure, she’d been the requisite love interest or damsel in distress in several big tentpole films, previous Thors included, but now she was going to be the super powered heroine herself. And with one of Hollywood’s most talented and well respected directors at the helm. In her opinion the difference between a good blockbuster and a bad one always came down to the director. Even the silliest, most inane script can be made into a joyous piece of escapism with the right tone.

But besides the promise of being in a good movie again, after a recent spate of disappointments, it was an exciting role, and an important one. She wasn’t some bouncy twenty-year-old, but a mother of two pushing forty. Moreover, this was a break for actresses everywhere and women in general who are so often given the message that after thirty your time for fun and adventure is up and motherhood is all that awaits.

Now two months had passed since she started her training and the dividends had paid off exceptionally. Natalie had never been more fit in her life, with a toned stomach, sculpted arms, and a butt as tight as a drum. Ben, her husband, had taken notice and their sex life had improved considerably, that was until he left for Paris a month ago. And the sudden drought had left Natalie desperate. She quickly turned to her collection of dild*s and vibrators and put them to work on her tight pink puss*. It was satisfying but only momentarily. There was something about finishing a great workout that left her extra horny, hungry for a real co*ck, and that was a problem.

Natalie had sessions with her personal trainer, Ricardo, daily, and he being a handsome, musclebound black man with an incredible body tested her faithfulness in ways she never imagined. Ultimately, she had failed those tests and for the last week each training session had ended with her receiving the thick end of his huge black co*ck. It was, frankly, the best sex of her life and her guilt over it was fading. Ben was frequently away on business, and why not during those times put a little pause on their vows?

But today Ricardo had off and so she was left to work out on her own, in a gym with a broken AC, leaving her hot and sweaty and no one to take advantage of her. The basem*nt room would gradually turn into a sauna once the workout got going. She had one standing fan, but the room’s single electrical outlet was on the other side of the room, leaving her with only a faint breeze by the time it reached her.

As she worked through the routine, Natalie would gradually shed clothing till she was often left with just a thong and maybe a sports bra, which would invariably lead to Ricardo sporting a boner the size of her forearm. Today there would be no arm sized co*cks though, just her sweaty and nearly nude all alone. Upstairs her son was busy upstairs playing Nintendo, so she had little worry about him catching her in a state of undress.

Natalie turned on some music, took a few deep breaths and got to work, staring with warmups. Jumping jacks followed by pushups and crunches, but nothing too strenuous. After five minutes though she was already sweating, and the first layer came off—her zip up hoodie. Next came the jump rope, that was always a drencher, and then went her leggings, leaving her thong. She adjusted her long socks and re-tied her sneakers before admiring herself in the mirror, turning around and checking out her ass and the thin fabric running between her big perfect cheeks. I’m f*cking hot. She smiled and gave herself a wink in the mirror.

Now it was time for some yoga.

Meanwhile, in a far less humid room upstairs, Natalie’s young nineyear-old son Aleph, sitting on the floor, was staring up at huge 4k television, grimacing in frustration as he aggressively jammed the buttons on his Nintendo Switch Pro controller. His on-screen character exploded in defeat and the boy tossed his controller in frustration, the hard plastic clanking across the smooth wooden floor.

“Stupid Donkey Kong, he’s way O.P!”

Before him on the giant screen was the end match scores for a round in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. He liked to play as Link, or maybe Samus, but he wasn’t very good either way and the boy quickly became frustrated with it. He preferred playing against his friends, but with quarantine he couldn’t right now. Childhood had become unusually routine for him and predictability was very boring. Maybe Mom will play? She

kind sucks at Smash, which is funny.

Leaving the game on idle, the child stood up, dressed in a long white t-shirt with a picture of Captain America on the front, a pair of baggy shorts, and left the living room. Passing through the kitchen, he went by the center island, heading down a hallway toward the laundry rooms, garage and stairs down to the basem*nt. His mom was working out now, but maybe she’d be done soon. She told him not to disturb her when she was with the trainer, for reasons he didn’t understand, but that guy wasn’t here today so he figured he could go bug her and maybe she’d play with him.

Opening the basem*nt door, the squat nine-year-old headed down the stairs. At the bottom was a passage to the right that led to an indoor pool, to the left around a corner was a storage space and but straight was the gymnasium, walled off with opaque glass. He already could feel the rising temperature and humidity from his mom’s workout. At the heavy glass door, he pushed against it, opening it slightly and peaked inside. The boy was unprepared for what he found. His mother, bent over on a mat, backside facing the entrance he stood in, a tiny thong running between two luscious butt cheeks. Aleph gulped. What a sight.

Whoa Mommy your butt… it’s pretty.

Aleph watched silently as his mom moving between a cat and cow pose, her ass sticking out provocatively as she bent her back, spreading apart as she did, exposing her asshole slightly around the thin strip of fabric. The child felt his heart race and then weirdly, his shorts tighten. He looked down in confusion and touched his crotch. His dick had gotten bigger and… stiffer? He pulled down the front of the elastic band and tugged out his meat, all ten inches of it, semi-erect. It was thick and heavy in his hand, too big to grip it fully. Aleph had no idea his penis was exceptionally large, for any man, but especially for a little boy. To him, it was just his pee pee.

Natalie took long deliberate breaths in her mouth as she arched her back down and then let it out slowly as she leaned forward, her eyes closed, oblivious to her voyeur.

Aleph put his penis back inside his shorts but continued to watch, adjusting himself as he did. Don’t want Mom catching me with my dork out! That’d

be so embarrassing.

Natalie let out one long breath and then opened her eyes. She turned over, sitting on her butt, her legs splayed wide, and discovered her young son in the doorway watching her.

“Alfie!” she said in surprise, “You startled me.” She closed her legs, feeling very self-conscious in front of her boys eyes in such a state of undress.

“Hey Mom,” he said softly.

“What’s up?” Natalie asked, a little out of breath, sweat beading on her forehead. She expected him to ask for a snack or to complain about his sister.

The boy walked into the brightly lit gym. “I was wonderin if you wanna play Smash Brudders with me.”

She smirked at his fumbled pronunciation. “I’m in the middle of a workout right now, but maybe after lunch?” The boy nodded.

She smiled back, waiting for the boy to leave. “I’ll be up in a bit.”

“Uhhh…” the boy mumbled, twisting back and forth on his hips awkwardly.

“Do you wanna work out with mommy?” Natalie asked rhetorically.

He shrugged and then nodded.

She wasn’t expecting that. But the boy was probably lonely without his friends around. “Okay, well let me put on my pants,” she said with a shake of her head and started to get up.

“How come you took them off?” Aleph asked, spotting her discarded yoga pants a few feet away on the matted floor.

“I was getting hot. But now I feel better,” she lied.

Aleph looked his mom over. He liked her without them on. The boy quickly raced over to the pants and snatched them up.

“Alfie?” Natalie said with some confusion, standing upright, her legs together to try and hide in her privates as much as possible.

The boy didn’t say anything, just looked mischievous.

“Hand me my pants,” his mother instructed.

He shook his head.

Natalie put her hands on her hips and glared at him.

He giggled and hid them behind his back.

“Do you want to be sent to your room, young man?” He sighed and then handed her the yoga pants.

As Natalie reached for them she noticed the large distension in her son’s shorts. She did a double take. Is that…?! She assumed his prick was erect, sticking straight, and guessed it to be a predictable four inches or so, when in fact it was bent over and down his thigh, several times that length. She smirked. My little boy has a boner! Is it because of me? Must be why he didn’t want me putting back on my pants. I guess that’s cute, right? Probably nothing to worry about, and honestly it’s a nice confidence boost if I can give a chubby to my own son. She stared for a moment longer as she took the garment. She felt even hotter for some reason.

“Okay, well now it’s time for thighs.” She looked at the yoga pants and considering not putting them on. Might be kind of fun to tease the kid. He’s just a boy after all, no harm in it. “I think it might be a bit too stuffy in here for these.” Tossing them aside Natalie walked over to a machine set against one wall. It was made for building thigh muscles. She sat down on a cushioned seat with back support, and moved her legs slightly apart, placing her feet on two stirrups with padded resistance on the outside of each thigh. Natalie set the difficulty with a dial on the side and took a deep breath. Aleph stood before her as she did her first repetition. The boy’s mouth slightly agape, his eyes growing wide as he watched his mother open her legs, her narrow thong doing little to hide her sex. I’m probably being a bad parent right now, but it’s not something he doesn’t see in his silly video games. Natalie’s eyes glanced to the little boy’s bulge. Looks like he’s getting even bigger. Is that his penis head? It’s so thick… Maybe I should send him away. This is probably confusing for the kid. Let me just finish this set first.

She held her legs open, counting the seconds before slowly closing them again. She let out a breath and then took in another sharply as she pulled open her thighs. Aleph stepped closer, leaning forward slightly.

Look at him! He’s so curious. Getting to that age, I guess. Someone’s going to have to have a talk with him soon.

Natalie opened her legs again for another three seconds, then closed. She noted her son’s slightly disappointed expression as she did. This continued for another minute, the mother keeping an eye on her son’s crotch as his boner grew.

Naughty me, eyeing my boy’s stiffy. f*cking Ricardo, it’s his fault, leaving me high and dry.

Natalie shifted in her seat and discovered a wetness there. f*ck, maybe not so dry- I’m getting wet! From having Alfie gawk at me? What kind of a pervert are you, Natalie?? She closed her legs again and took a breath.

“How’s it going, sweetie?” she asked her son, wondering just how long he was going to stand there staring at her. “Maybe you should go back upstairs to play?”

He gulped, hesitated and then quickly asked, “Can I work out with you?”

“How are you going to do that?” Natalie respoded as she pulled open her legs again.

“I can help!” he said emphatically, “See!” he hurried forward and put his hands on his mother’s knees, pushing them apart before moving his body between them.

“Alfie!” Natalie cried at him. Her legs closed back around his waist, trapping him as her thighs tired. “This isn’t helping, young man,” she grumbled, looking down at his bashful face.

He was blushing and put his hands on her thighs. He gently rubbed her skin. “You’re real sweaty, mommy.”

“I sure am.” She felt a pressure against her and gazed lower. She saw the lump in his shorts was reaching all the way to her crotch now. His prick is—touching me! “Alright, Alfie.” She took a breath and opened her legs again. “Give mommy some room.” He looked down as she spoke, noticing the contact his body was making with hers. Whoa, my guy is touching mom’s lady bit. I wonder why ladies don’t have pee pees?

“Alfie!” she snapped, and the boy retreated a few steps. She relaxed her legs again and caught her breath.

“Enough legs for today, I think.” She stood up and moved to the next machine over. There was a padded seat with a high back, and overhead a pull-down bar on a cable with adjustable resistance. It was great for her shoulders. Standing before it she squirmed a little, feeling how sopping wet her puss* had become. f*ck, I’m soaked. I need to rub one out after this.

Natalie turned around and sat down, her legs wide. Reaching up to the bar she gripped it and closed her eyes for a second, focused on her breathing.

“Mom, you’re really sweaty down here.” “Uh huh,” she said, eyes still closed.

Suddenly she felt a soft probing touch on her vagin*. She gasped and shot her eyes open. Alfie was squatting before her, his face shoved into her crotch, one hand reached out carefully touching his mother’s sex.

“Alfie, stop that!”

“It smells like fish.” He said as he rubbed two fingers against her thong, over her labia and up against her cl*t.

Natalie let out a gasp. “OOOh! Alfie, f*ck…” she was so sensitive right now any touch on her puss* sent a surge of erotic electricity through her body.

“Mommy said a bad word!”

“sh*t.” Natalie shook her head. “Alfie, that’s a bad touch!” She felt like she was talking to a dog right now.

“But how come you sweat so much down there? And where’s your pee pee?” He probed again, this time pressing into her, shoving some of her thong into her vagin*, the fabric rubbing against her cl*t again. “Is it inside?”

“f*ck, Alfie.” She grunted as her body shook from pleasure. “Mommy doesn’t have a pee pee.” She let go of the overhead bar. “That’s a vagin*. It’s what girls have.” She reached down and Alfie moved away his hand as she re-adjusted her thong, attempting to reclaim some modesty. “Can I see?” he asked, his face still just inches from her hot sex. What?? He’s my baby boy! This is gross. But…He’s already touched it.

Just a quick peak and he’ll leave me alone. No harm, right?

“Okay, but only for a second…” she moved her thong aside, exposing her dripping puss*.

“Wow. It’s pretty.”

She chuckled. “Thanks, I guess…” She felt her breathing intensify, and an excitement rising in her. f*ck… is this turning me on? Am I some pervert?! Oh sh*t, I’ve crossed a line! Why am I showing my wet puss* to my son?! What if he tells his father? Or his teacher? I’ll go to jail, lose my son, my daughter, everything!

“What does it do?” the boy asked, oblivious to his mother’s internal struggle.

Natalie gulped. How do I pull back from this? I can’t let on that something’s wrong. I’ll just have to play along. Yeah, just play along. “It’s how you make babies. You, well, you stick your… penis in it and nine months later you might have a baby.”

“What’s the inside look like?”

He just won’t let up! f*ck, alright, might as well indulge him. Maybe one day he’ll be a doctor. Maybe this is a good thing… somehow. Natalie rubbed her fingers along her sticky puss* lips and spread them apart, animating wet, tacky sounds as she did. “It’s soft, and smooth,” she said plainly.

Alfie reached up and touched at her sex again. Natalie moaned but didn’t protest. Can’t scare him away at this point. He’ll be a doctor. Nothing wrong with this. f*ck, he’s going in—! The boy delved his finger inside and then another beside it. “Wow.”

“f*ck…” Natalie moaned under her breath. “Alfie, maybe you should go upstairs…”

The boy rubbed his finger back and forth inside her twat for a few seconds and his mother let out strained gasps of extasy.

“You okay mommy?” he asked, looking up with his little hand probing her c*nt.

“Yeah, baby. Just maybe… we’re done here?” Please let him be done! This is so bad, how did I let this happen! I’ve gotta think of a way to keep him quiet about this!

The boy stood up and Natalie relaxed slightly. Okay, we’re done. Thank god.

“So my guy goes inside there?” he asked and started to pull down his shorts.

“Alfie!” What’s he doing! OH MY GOD!!

The boy pulled and tugged, and Natalie’s eyes grew and grew and then finally his giant co*ck was sprung free, over twelve inches with a slight bend in the shaft, thick as the boy’s clenched fist. Long, veiny and throbbing. A puffy, domed, purply-hued head, smooth and supple surface and dripping with gooey precum that generously seeped like a broken faucet from the wide opening at the tip.

“Oh Alfie…” she said with a big smile.

“You shouldn’t have done that, young man,” Natalie added with a pseudo-scolding.

The child’s expression quickly changed, and he looked at her with guilty concern.

“You know better than to take your penis out uninvited in front of someone. That’s a big no-no, mister.” Natalie wagged her finger at the child.

The boy looked ashamed, one hand on his prick, the other holding down his waist band.

“But we can keep this our secret and I won’t tell daddy, alright?” Natalie said diplomatically.

Aleph nodded, glancing up at her momentarily. He was blushing in embarrassment.

“That means you can’t tell anyone either, about seeing mommy’s privates. Okay?”

He nodded again.

“No one. No teachers, no friends, none of mommy’s friends. And definitely not Dad.” Natalie watched him continue to silently, shamefully, nod. She felt a bit more relaxed. He’s such a momma’s boy, it’s adorable. I shouldn’t be so rough on him, it’s not like it’s his fault. “Do you like seeing mommy’s privates?” Again he nodded.

She smiled at him. I suppose at this point there’s no harm, and honestly I need to check out that meat on him! That’s not normal for a boy his age. “You won’t be able to again if you tell anybody. Do you want touch it again?” “Yeah…” he said.

“Can Mommy touch your privates first?” He looked at her confused.

“Mommy’s just curious about your penis. And you can’t tell anybody, okay? It can be our special mommy son secret?”

“Ooh, okay.”

“That’s my boy.” Natalie reached forward and carefully, delicately wrapped her fingers around her nine-year-old’s immense dick. “Wow, Alfie. It’s so big!” The boy pulled his hand away as his mother’s slim fingers moved over his veiny shaft.

“Is that bad?” he asked, worried.

“No, not at all! It’s great! I wish more men were this big.” Especially your father! She felt the heat coming off the penis in her hand, and it’s weight in her palm. The big puffy head dripping with precum. With her other hand, Natalie cupped below it, gathering up the sticky fluid and then rubbed it over the sensitive tip. The boy flinched slightly. “Feels good?” “Y-yeah…”

I guess it looks perfectly healthy, just huge! I shouldn’t be worried. My mother told me Dad had a huge one, he must get it from him. Natalie noticed her son continuing to stare at her exposed puss*.

“You like looking at mommy?”

Aleph felt her heart pounding. This is weird. Is it normal for moms to do this kinda stuff? It feels kind of… bad, but in a weird fun way. “…yeah. I guess.”

“It makes your penis bigger.” Natalie said as she tightened her grip on it and started to slide her hand up and down.


“Does this feel good?” He nodded.

“You want Mommy to keep rubbing it?” Nodded again.

“But you’re not gonna tell anyone, right baby?”

“No, no way!” I can’t tell my friends about this! It’s super weird!!

“Good.” If I stop now he’ll definitely blab. “Do you wanna touch mommy again too?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he said with a grin, becoming less anxious.

“Why don’t you touch it with your penis.” Just the tip. That’s all. It’s not like he hasn’t been there before. And I need to know what it feels like, having something that big inside me.

“Uhh… my pee pee?”

“Yeah, step up closer,” she instructed and pulled her hand away from his dick. Alfie shuffled closer to his mother, the end of his long, fat co*ck nearly touching her crotch.

“Now let me make some room for you.” Natalie moved her backside to the edge of her seat and then stuck her thumbs in her thong and pushed it down her thighs and over her knees. She kicked it aside with one sneakered foot, tall black socks rising up her shins. Leaning back, she lifted her legs up, putting her hands on her thighs, jutting out her ass and exposed, dripping puss*.

Aleph watched her move into position with growing curiosity, and arousal, his co*ck growing another two inches as it became fully erect.

“Hey Mom, my guy’s getting bigger!” he said triumphantly.

“Very good, sweetie! I’m so proud of my boy and his big dick!” she grinned at the child. Maybe for my next children’s book I can come up with some stories about naughty mothers and their horny little boys. “Now come up closer and put the end of your penis right on mommy’s privates.” She licked her lips as the child put his hand back on his co*ck, aiming it for her puss* as he took another step forward. He gently laid it over her labia. I wouldn’t mind sucking that beast off. Maybe if he cleans his room later I can reward him. “Good sweetie. Now just push it down a little and in.”

“Uh, okay…” he said and leaned forward. The bloated tip of his rod began to submerge between the lips of his mother’s vagin*.

“That’s it, just a bit lower, keep pushing.” Don’t think about it, Nat. Just let it happen. You need this and it’ll keep you and your boy out of trouble. Somehow.

“I feel something…” the boy moan, “It feels good, mommy!”

“Yes, it feels great, sweetie! Keep pushing!”

The fat tip popped inside Natalie twat and she let out a guttural sigh of bliss. “Oh f*ck, Alfie. You’re so big!”

“Mommy! Language!”

“It’s okay sweetie, mommy can swear right now. Just keep pushing your co*ck in me!”

The child moved his hips forward and his fourteen-inch co*ck started to disappear between the folds of his mom’s vagin*. “Oh Mommy! My pee pee! It’s so tight! It feels really good!”

“Yes, baby! So good! Shove that co*ck in me! Stuff mommy’s puss*!”

“Okay!” He shouted, figuring puss* was the name for what he was entering with his penis. He kept pushing and pushing and inch after inch slid slowly, thickly into her.

“f*ck! f*ck! f*ck! It’s so big!” she wailed, tossing her head back. He’s thicker than Ricardo and longer too! This is the biggest thing in my c*nt since I gave birth to Amalia three years ago! sh*t, Amalia!

Her chest heaving, Natalie looked down at her boy as he grunted and continued to shove his enormous f*ck-stick into her. “Alfie, sweetie… keep shoving your co*ck into mommy, but where’s your sister?”

Aleph was sticking out his tongue a little as he concentrated, his hands on his mom’s thighs, staring down at his huge dick, now more than half shoved up his mother’s tight twat. “Uh, I think she’s in her room sleeping.”

“Okay, that’s good. Don’t tell her about this either, okay!”

“Okay mom! God!” he rolled his eyes and suddenly thrust into her.

“OoF! f*ck! Yeah, do that honey! Pull out a little and then shove it back in!”

“Okay!” The boy pulled out about five inches of his co*ck and then slammed it forward. “Wow! That feels awesome!”

“Yeah, it does! That’s called f*cking. That’s what I want you to do to mommy’s puss*! f*ck mommy’s puss*!”

“I love f*cking your puss*!”

“Yes honey! Do it!”

The boy slid out again, nearly to the tip and then shunted forward, stroking in over eight inches in one go.

Natalie cried out, “f*ck! You’re so big! Keep going! Do it again!”

“Does Dad do this to you?” The little boy was beginning to perspire, his breathing getting heavier.

“Yes, sweetie. But not like this. And don’t ask him about it!”

“Can we do this again? This is better than Smash!” he said with a huge grin, his dick now sliding in and out, wet and sticky with his mom’s puss* juices.

“f*ck yes! Smash my puss*, Alfie! Smash my puss*!”

“Smash! Smash!” the boy repeated as he thrust up into his mother’s widely stretched c*nt again and again, now over a foot of his monster dick sloshing in and out of her.

“Yes!” Natalie screamed. “You’re so good, Alfie! Get it all in there! Get your f*cking co*ck all the way up my puss*!” she demanded; her eyes lit with a passion she’d never felt before. This is incredible! f*ck Ben, f*ck Ricardo, I just need my baby boy slamming my c*nt with his huge co*ck!

“Mommy! I’m gonna--! I’m gonna do something! My pee pee… I feel like it’s gonna-!” he grunted and moaned as the child’s first org*sm quickly approached.

“Do it, Alfie! Cum in mommy’s puss*! I want your hot ji*zz in me! Bury your f*cking co*ck in me and cum!”

The little boy pulled out to the tip, taking a half step back with one foot and then jammed forward, cramming his entire massive dick inside, fully sheathing himself in the velvety tunnel from whence he came.

“f*ck YES!” Natalie wrapped her legs around his waist and hugged the boy in her arms, burying his face in her chest.

“Mommy!” he cried, and his co*ck burst with spunk, hosing her insides.

“Alfie!” Natalie bawled in return, an org*sm par none crashing through her body like a tidal wave.

They shuddered together as cum overflowed her puss* and poured down the seat. Natalie pulled her head back and grinned down at her child, who had tears in his eyes. “That’s my boy.” She kissed him on the forehead.

The nine-year-old looked down at the mess he’d made of his mother’s vagin*. “Did I pee in you?”

“No that’s cum. You did great.”

He looked back up at her and asked, “Are you gonna have a baby now?”

Natalie chuckled. Then she remembered she was ovulating. “f*ck.” She gulped and laughed nervously. “Why don’t you run along now.”

The boy stepped back and slowly his giant dick slipped from his mother twat with a wet, sloppy slorping sound. f*ck that’s hot. Her puss* was left gapping, more cum poured out. Look at all that ji*zz, it’s like the entire bench of the Lakers just creampied me.

“Okay. I left my game on anyway.” He said awkwardly and started to put his cum soaked co*ck back into his shorts.

“Now remember sweetie,” Natalie started to say.

He looked at her and said, “Mommy son secret,” he finished for her with a bright smile.

“That’s right,” she beamed at him. “Oh, and maybe you could clean your room later?”

He shrugged and shuffled out of the room.

“He’ll learn,” Natalie said to herself.

Natalie Portman - Bad Mommy - Chapter 2 - Pyro Steed (Prof_Pyro_Steed) - Natalie Portman (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.