Kerazon Buriti Liss Keratin Treatment Kit 2oz/60ml (2025)

★★★★ 4981 real customer reviews average rating: 4 stars (scroll to see all)

5 Stars By Beth on 2023-11-24
I don’t know how long this will last BUT, it works just as good as when I got my hair professionally straightened. This is my new GO TO for my hair I can promise that. Before and after the complete process and I have very thick hair. Start to finish it was about 3 1/2 hours. Even if it lasts a month or two it’s was better than the 300 I pay in the salon, and only got 4-5 months .

4 Stars By mss1017 on 2023-11-04
Worth it for the price
I’ve had about a dozen professional keratins so I am pretty confident with this process. This was my first at home attempt.

I did get a haircut right before doing this, which I think helped a lot.

I followed instructions to the best of my ability. My hair is fine but there’s a lot of it, and it took about 2.5 hours in total. My hair is wildly frizzy this time of year but I didn’t have the time to sit in a chair for 3+ hours and wanted to try this out. Things to note- you need gloves, a mask, fan and ventilated area with an open window. Once you finish step 1, be very careful with your hair when drying. Don’t yank or brush too hard, the hair is in a very fragile state at this point. The product (step 2) doesn’t seem too overbearing but it creeps up on you. Drying this probably takes the longest because you use cold air only. At first it felt like it would never dry. My hair seems a little frizzy and tacky but it did in fact fully dry. I recommend switching gloves or washing hands during this process if you have a lot of hair as the product builds up a lot and makes this more difficult. The flat ironing was more challenging than I thought. I was able to hit all sections but I definitely could have done a better job. Step 3 was easy. Right after I could immediately tell this worked in some fashion. I used a microfiber towel to squeeze out extra moisture then finger dried my hair, which I did in maybe 5 minutes. Result was super soft, shiny and very low/almost no frizz. It’s not perfectly straight but easily 90% better than it was. Is it pin straight? No. Is it 100% frizz free? No. But it looks pretty darn good! After the first wash following the treatment I did notice that some of the under layers are kinking a little though my hair is super curly underneath so not surprising. I’m assuming I didn’t hit those hard to reach areas well enough with the iron. Next time I’ll get help flat ironing that part (I will definitely try this again). Is it salon quality? Well no, but it was $40! Overall I recommend!

Pros: done on my own time, very affordable, massive improvement to frizz, tons of shine, super soft.
Cons: fumes are tough if not well ventilated, hard to hit the back/under layers enough times with flat iron, definitely won’t last as long as a professional job

4 Stars By Lia on 2024-01-22
Simple but time consuming
• Can be done at home, by yourself
• Saves money
• Instantly smoother hair
• No breakage or damage to hair

• Time consuming
•hair smells burnt after use
• Can irritate eyes and skin
• Needs to be done in a well ventilated area

I'm here to reassure anyone who read the reviews and is terrified to use this product. Your eyes are not going to burn out of your head and you are not going to suffocate. Trust me. I've used this and live to tell the tale. That being said, it's not compelling non-irritating. If you have extremely sensitive eyes or nose, then yes maybe you should be concerned, but I think anyone can safely use this product. Don't be scared, just be smart. I did this in my room, with the door shut because I didn't want the fumes traveling to the rest of the house. I had the 2 windows in my room wide open and put the large window fan in my room on my vanity so it was blowing at me (so any fumes would he blown away from my face.) The worst part was blowdrying my hair after applying the keratin treatment. But I had the fan going and I kept the hairdryer pointed back and down so it was blowing my hair away from my face. There was some eye irritation but I just shut my eyes and relaxed while I dried. Honestly, the worst part was the ironing process. And not because of the smell or the burn but because my arm and hand got tired 😄 And after all the time I spent ironing my hair, it felt counter productive to wash it again, but I did and then blow dried my hair upside down with my fingers. So, don't be scared to use this, just be smart, and be prepared.

Now, most importantly you need to set aside time for this. It took me every minute of 2 hours and then some to complete this and my hair is just about shoulder blade length. These bottles were enough to cover my hair, and I wasn't sure how much I should use, so I probably have enough left to do the treatment again in a few months. Next time I would splurge for the big bottles and keep it on hand.

I didnt take a pre-treatment photo because I honestly didn't think this would work, so you have to trust me when I say that I have horrible hair. It's dead, frizzy, lifeless and dry as cracker juice. Photo 1 is immediately after the iron phase of the treatment. Photo 2 is after washing with the hair mask and blow drying with just my fingers. And Photo 3 is after brushing my hair. I'm happy to see that my waves are still slightly intact and it didn't completely straighten my hair. And you can't tell in the photos but it feels so smooth!!! I'm excited to see what my hair looks like the next time I wash it and let it air dry. I'm hoping I will finally be able to wash my hair and go with out having to dry and straighten it. And we are in the summer months now so we will see how it does with humidity. I'll update again in a month to give my final verdict. But for now I approve.

5 Stars By Jaimie on 2023-11-09
It works!
I have frizzy, wavy/curly hair but it’s not cute waves/curls because of the frizz so it’s always been a lot of work. I have had one in salon keratin treatment (with keratin complex) and I almost think this worked better than that did and I paid like $300 for that one. It’s only been a little over a week and I’ve only washed my hair twice so I can’t attest to longevity yet.

As far as the process of the treatment-

1. I have shoulder length thick hair and I decided to try to use half of the bottles and it was enough for me so I will be able to get another treatment out of it.

2. It took me like 2 hours. Yes, the blow drying with cold air sucks but it didn’t take me as long as I expected it would. The smell wasn’t terrible. At times it did make me tear/choke up but it wasn’t as bad as I expected. I used a fan and the exhaust fan in my bathroom but didn’t have any windows open due to negative temps outside. The instructions say to use gloves so make sure you have some handy for that.

3. My hair isn’t stick straight now, I still have to flat iron it but it is so much smoother and softer than before. It also is quicker to blow dry and straighten. It’s not a fun process but as long as this lasts more than a month I feel it’s worth it for me. I’m hoping it will last atleast 3 months though.

5 Stars By alumigogo Customer on 2024-01-24
I have been getting salon professional keratin treatments for a year and a half, spending nearly $300 a treatment. I can’t continue to afford it so I figured I would give this product a try!

Did it keep my hair stick straight? No. However, it is back to a very manageable texture. My before pictures are about five months into a keratin treatment, so my curls are still well managed, but my texture was starting to get frizzy again. The picture in the black shirt is after two days and it’s first wash with a finger blow dry. I used the lower heat setting to be cautious for the first session, but the next time I do this, I will definitely use the 450°.

I do not think the smell was terrible. I was in a well ventilated area, it reminded me kind of hair bleach/lightener. You definitely should be in a well ventilated area per the instructions, the worst of the smell was when the hair was wet. I didn’t notice any lingering smell after I blow dried my hair. Lastly, I wanted to add a picture of the ACTUAL ingredient list not just the “natural” products they have listed!

5 Stars By Miquela on 2023-12-29
I am so impressed with how my hair looks and feels!! I had really tight, difficult to manage curls. This product made my hair soft and easy to manage. I still have curls but they are very loose and long. It used to take me about 2 hours to straighten my hair. And it would not hold up in the Florida humidity. With this product, it takes less than 15 minutes to straighten my hair and it stays straight all day. One thing I will say is that my eyes burned a lot during the application. The smell itself wasn’t bad though.

Overall, I love this product and I will 100% purchase it again.

5 Stars By John on 2023-11-07
I will NEVER go to a salon again and pay 250 bucks. This stuff is incredible! Usually even after a treatment I have to use a flat iron. Not with this. After I did the whole treatment I just blew dry my hair with my fingers and my hair was shiny and completely straight. I am amazed. A warning to those sensitive to smells like I am. Use this in a very well ventilated area like your garage. Make sure you have a blow dryer that has a cool setting. It's very important. Lastly...follow the directions EXACTLY as it says and get a friend or spouse that can help you flat iron the back. If you can't you can still do it yourself. You will love this. Two thumbs up.
I got the shampoo, conditioner and mask as well. Now let's see how long it lasts.

4 Stars By Cheila S on 2023-12-02
An honest review with chronological order of events :)
I bought this in hopes of helping my hair feel softer and more manageable. Lately I don't feel like doing much to my hair, especially ever since i got a Keratin treatment back in July 5th this year, I learned what it is like to wash your hair and just let it be and it turns out soft and great. Now this treatment I got in July has worn off, and I didnt feel like spending the $145 I did at the salon. So I decided to give this Kerason a go and see what would happen. The following is the chronological order I personally took. (Keep in mind if you have plenty of time in one free day, you could actually do it start to finish within 4.5 hours to be safe.)

December 17th 2019:
-Received treatment via mail
------Applied using instructions:--------
-Washed 2x, with the #1 bottle, then rinsed well, blow dryed up to 80%.. (I ended up drying it too much without thinking and so decided to comb my hair with a wet brush, and that did the trick to get it semi wet again..)
-I sectioned my hair in 8 sections cause I have too much hair and it seemed better to manage.)
- Then to apply #2 bottle which is the actual treatment, i realized it was only 2 oz and just not enough for the amount of hair I have and length... Not enough to actually saturate the hair completely/comfortably as they do in the salon.
- I panicked, and so I thought for a second and made the decision to add a bit of water to the treatment and i mixed it well, the consistency went to a bit more milky but thicker than milk.. (that helped me apply it better and i had enough for my whole head.)
SIDE NOTE: The product smelled good, however every now and then i got small hints that would make me tear a bit, just a tiny bit though not nearly as bad as what some comments say, however I realize everyone is different and some gals might be allergic or more sensitive to certain things. ALSO I felt a bit of stinging in scalp in certain spots where it touched it.. but nothing horrible, kinda like when you dye your hair type of sensation.)
- There was no wait time required so then, I drove to a friends house, so she could do the blow dry part..
-My friend blow dried my hair, using ****COLD AIR **** as per instructions, and it toooook forever! You guys it takes so long when is cold air, but that's what the paper said to do.)
SIDE NOTE: the product did not smell at all...
-She then flat ironed it (410 F), now as many times as the instructions called for, but like 3x per section of hair.
- By then it was late at night, so i decided to sleep on it (even though the instructions say that it is not needed.)
- I washed it next morning using WATER ONLY, then i added the #3 Bottle which is the mask, and i set a time for 5 minutes.
- I then rinsed it well as instructed, and I let my hair air dry.

December 19th 2019 (two days later)
-I flat ironed it and BaAAAAAAAAMMM feels like chinese baby hair, I swear I am a different person... Hahahhahahahah

.........I will be posting updates/pictures with the dates, so you have a reference to my text, in regards to durability, and just to give you all a reference in time how long it might last and other... I hope this was helpful, I know how skeptical it can be when you want to but something to do miracles with but you don't really have much information you can trust to make your decision with. So I took that job myself and now I am passing it to you :) ....

P.S.. Don't feel afraid of asking questions about what I did.

5 Stars By Samantha VanDoren on 2024-01-26
This product is amazing
I never post reviews, ever.
This product is really amazing. I have had frizzy hair for as long as I can remember. It is also really dry because I dye it often! I had been looking at this product for weeks debating if it would work because my hair is so bad and dry.
It did. It works amazing, I can brush it, it stays smooth and straight and I love it.
The smell is definitely as bad as the reviews say. When you first put it on, it smells like bubble gum. The second the heat hits it, I was in tears and my throat was burning, BUT that being said, it was tolerable. I put a fan in the bathroom and opened up all of the windows and wore a mask. I highly recommend. Also, no one wrote this in any review so I figured I would mention it, I don’t have a hair dryer that does cold air, so I had to use hot. It worked just fine. The smell was much more intense, but it did work. If it lasts, I will be buying this product again. Completely worth the money

5 Stars By Nichole Mock on 2023-09-28
Save Yourself Money
Last year, I spent $300 plus tip to get a Brazilian blowout and it changed my life. As you can see, my natural hair is super curly. I love the curls, but they’re exhausting and they dry out so fast. So, I spent the $300 and didn’t regret it because for a year, I had hair that was easily manageable. However, I could NOT justify spending that money again- ya girl is broke.

I purchased this item as a Hail Mary. You see the price, a full $260 plus tip less than the salon. But you have to do it yourself, and boy is it time consuming. I chose to let my hair air dry between steps 1-2, which is the first photo. The second photo is my hair air dried after completing the treatment. And the last step is after 5 minutes with a hair straightener. My hair is so soft, straight as can be, and I have no regrets. It took me about 3 hours to do total, which is how long it takes at a salon for me.

Now, is it exactly like a salon? Not really, but it’s pretty dang close and that’s good enough for me. I highly recommend this product.

Set aside more time than you think you need to do this.
For the love of god, please do this in a well ventilated bathroom with a window and fan- it burns your eyes too, so maybe invest in some eye protection or something. I won’t, but my eyes are already disappointing.

Kerazon Buriti Liss Keratin Treatment Kit 2oz/60ml (2025)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.