130 Unicorn Quotes to Sprinkle You With Enchantment (2024)

Whether you’re an adult or a child, you’ll love and appreciate these unicorn quotes, which are full of inspirational messages to live by!

Unicorns are incredible creatures that allow us to believe in things we cannot see. They are mythological creatures that look like a horse but have horns on their foreheads.

Are you a lover and fan of this lovely creature? Don’t miss out on this fantastic collection that will leave you smiling!

See the entire list below.

And make sure to read these fairy quotes.

Best Unicorn Quotes

1. “The unicorn is not known for its horn, beauty, or purity; but for its strength and courage as one.” – Nicole Beckwith

2. “Life’s not easy for unicorns, you know. We’re a dying breed.” – Meg Cabot

3. “Wherever they may have come from, and wherever they may have gone, unicorns live inside the true believer’s heart. Which means as long as we can dream, there will be unicorns.” – Bruce Coville

4. “Everything is better with a unicorn.” – Anonymous

5. “Life would be simpler if only we were all unicorns.” – Olley White

6. “You may have stopped believing in unicorns, but they never stopped believing in you.” – Anonymous

7. “I think that if you have a horse, pegasus, qilin, or unicorn, you should sit on it! you should stroke its hair, whisper in its ear, be one with it! And you shouldn’t feel sorry if other people don’t have one.” – C. JoyBell C.

8. “Be a unicorn in a field full of horses.” – Anonymous

9. “Unicorns can’t fly. I can’t fly. Therefore, I am a unicorn.” – Anonymous

10. “It’s not a unicorn, it’s a horse with a sword on its head that protects my hopes and dreams.” – Tad Quill and Gabrielle Allan

11. “Sleep is like the unicorn, it is rumored to exist, but I doubt I will see any.” – Dr. Seuss

12. “Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn. Then, always be a unicorn.” – Lewis Carroll

13. “Unicorns. The most beautiful of all the Mother’s children.” – Jennifer Roberson

14. “Now, I will believe that there are unicorns.” – William Shakespeare

15. “They’re unicorns. They’re perfect.” – Roshani Chokshi

Inspirational Unicorn Quotes

16. “Make your life story so amazing that unicorns have trouble believing it is true.” – Karen Salmansohn

17. “It’s going to be a rainbows and unicorns kind of day.” – Anonymous

18. “Stand out, be kind, and most importantly, unafraid to be yourself. Hey, isn’t a unicorn all of those things? That’s right, you’ll become one too, but remember; good things come to those who wait, so don’t be afraid to take a lazy day with that tub of ice cream.” – Anonymous

19. “The unicorn is not beautiful because of its horn, grace, pride, and quiet wisdom; but because of what it stands for.” – Nicole Beckwith

20. “Even when it looks like you’re alone, someone will always have your back!” – Anonymous

21. “Behind the glitter and sparkle, there is a road of hardship. It’s okay to let it show and ask for help.” – Anonymous

22. “Be a diamond-studded unicorn: unbreakable and unique.” – Coco

23. “You are unique and amazing. Let your sparkle show everywhere you go!” – Anonymous

24. “All it takes to bring out the magic in someone is a little love!” – Anonymous

25. “Of course it’s good to think about improving yourself and moving forward. But who you are right now, at this moment? That’s more than fine as well.” – Anonymous

26. “Sometimes, we all need a unicorn to believe in. Sometimes, we need a unicorn to believe in us.” – Claudia Bakker

27. “It’s hard to be different but persevering through it will make you stronger.” – Anonymous

28. “Life is about living, not surviving. Make the best of every day and try to find glitter in every black and white painting you encounter!” – Anonymous

29. “Let us only hate hatred; and once give love a play, we will fall in love with a unicorn.” – Herman Melville

30. “Know your own limits! Surpassing them might not always be good, so be gentle with yourself.” – Anonymous

Unicorn Quotes to Empower Your Imagination

31. “I suppose I could understand it if men had simply forgotten unicorns, but not to see them at all, to look at them and see something else—what do they look to one another, then? What do trees look like to them, or houses, or real horses, or their own children?” – Peter S. Beagle

32. “I would compete in unicorn back riding! Why? Because we are from the same fairytale.” – Sasha Pivovarova

33. “Most people say, show, don’t tell, but I stand by show and tell because when writers put their work out into the world, they’re like kids bringing their broken unicorns and chewed-up teddy bears into class in the sad hope that somebody else will love them as much as they do.” – Colson Whitehead

34. “The unicorn, she said, was a marvelous beast, shining with honor, wisdom, and strength. Just to see him strengthened the soul.” – Megan Lindholm

35. “Everything today has been heavy and brown. Bring me a unicorn to ride about the town.” – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

36. “No place is more enchanted than where a unicorn has been born.” – Peter S. Beagle

37. “Alice found herself a unicorn to have her back, and so will you!” – Anonymous

38. “This is the violet hour, the hour of hush and wonder, when the affections glow and valor is reborn when the shadows deepen along the edge of the forest and we believe that, if we watch carefully, at any moment we may see the unicorn.” – Bernard DeVoto

39. “Of all the legendary animals of art, folklore, and literature, the unicorn is the one with the greatest hold on our imaginations.” – Nancy Hathaway

40. “There is something about riding a unicorn, for those people who still can, which is unlike any other experience: exhilarating, and intoxicating, and fine.” – Neil Gaiman

41. “The last unicorn wasn’t really the last. And maybe she still isn’t.” – Anonymous

42. “Poetry is news brought to the mountains by a unicorn and an echo.” – Czesław Miłosz

43. “What do men know? Because they have seen no unicorns for a while does not mean we have all vanished.” – Peter S. Beagle

Interesting Quotes That’ll Make You Reminisce About Unicorns and Your Childhood

44. “Even science is bound in magic and imagination. What we can do now, soar the skies and even space, would have seemed like magic to people long ago. Those who spurned such ideas never made it anywhere, but people who believed moved us forward.” – Anonymous

45. “It’s like learning to ride a unicorn. You will never forget.” – Eoin Colfer

46. “Never pretend to be a unicorn by sticking a plunger on your head.” – Martin Espada

47. “That is exactly what heroes are for. Wizards make no difference, so they say that nothing does, but heroes are meant to die for unicorns.” – Peter S. Beagle

48. “I’m actually quite obsessed with unicorns. They are in essence a mythical creatures. The unicorn is born magical and it’s not the unicorn’s fault and it doesn’t make it any more or less special or any less unique but it can’t help that it was born with that magic.” – Lady Gaga

49. “A legend, now I am like a unicorn.” – Jean Giraud

50. “He knew what she wanted, and he wanted it, too; he was ready, but not, despite her gorgeousness, with Tiglah. Tiglah was not worth losing his ability to touch a unicorn.” – Madeleine L’Engle

51. “There’s something about girls and unicorns that’s deep and meaningful. Something about childhood.” – Ted Naifeh

52. “Heroes know that things must happen when it is time for them to happen. A quest may not simply be abandoned; unicorns may go unrescued for a long time, but not forever; a happy ending cannot come in the middle of the story.” – Peter S. Beagle

53. “Hey, I like unicorns. Unicorns are just weaponized ponies.” – Damon Suede

54. “I might act like a rhinoceros, but I’m a unicorn.” – Nuno Roque

55. “I’ve never seen a unicorn couple. He—it has to be a he, right?—is always alone, sharp horn thrust toward the sky. Maybe we should adopt him as the symbol of men without women, of the loneliness we carry as our burden, or perhaps we should sew unicorn badges on our breast pockets and hats, and quietly parade down streets all over the world.” – Haruki Murakami

Quotes That Will Take You to the Magical World of Unicorns

56. “Toads are to dragons what carrots are to unicorns.” – Ness Kingsley

57. “Other fabulous beasts are clearly inventions, existing only in a mythical landscape of our own collective creation, but the unicorn strikes us as more than imaginary. It seems possible, even probable—a creature so likely that it ought to exist.” – Nancy Hathaway

58. “Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” – Anonymous

59. “The eyes, circled by this sad and beautiful darkness, were so sorrowful, lonely, gentle, and nobly tragic, that they killed all other emotions except love.” – T. H. White

60. “It would have been nice to have had unicorns.” – Tom Stoppard

61. “The question of historicity and actuality with regard to Gods and unicorns is a relatively trifling matter which may be left to antiquarians and biologists, for both the God and the unicorn had a business to perform greater than any mere existence in the flesh could explain or provide a basis for.” – Odell Shepard

62. “It cannot be an ill fortune to have loved a unicorn.” – Peter S. Beagle

63. “The mist hung in the air like a prancing unicorn.” – Graham Joyce

64. “A friend told me I’m delusional. I almost fell off my unicorn.” – Anonymous

65. “Keep calm because unicorns are real.” – Anonymous

66. “There was a faint bluish furrow down each side of his nose, and this led to the eye sockets and surrounded them in a pensive shade.” – T. H. White

67. “My conscience has the same hard reality as a unicorn.” – Jeff Lindsay.

68. “Why a unicorn? Maybe the unicorn, too, is one of the men without women.” – Haruki Murakami

Quotes About How Unicorns Emanate Positivity

69. “Your sparkle has not gone unnoticed.” – Anonymous

70. “You are like a unicorn who brings ice cream. You are too good to be true.” – Anonymous

71. “Don’t leave your individuality behind! No fantasy novel started with someone who fit into every mold.” – Anonymous

72. “The unicorn is a lonely, solitary creature that symbolizes hope.” – Ally McBeal

73. “Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, anything can happen.” – Anonymous

74. “A unicorn doesn’t stand around and worry about what other unicorns think of it. It just sparkles.” – Anonymous

75. “Happiness is believing in unicorns.” – Anonymous

76. “Most days I was impossible. Like a unicorn.” – Bryn Greenwood

77. “She leaves a little sparkle everywhere she goes.” – Anonymous

78. “Be the unicorn you wish to see in the world.” – Anonymous

79. “Like stardust glistening on fairies’ wings, little girls’ dreams are of magical things.” – Sherry Larson

80. “You weren’t born to be perfect. You were born to be a unicorn, but that is pretty much the same thing.” – Anonymous

81. “We don’t create a fantasy world to escape reality. We create it to be able to stay.” – Lynda Barry

82. “My words and my ideas are my property, and I’ll keep and protect them as surely as I do my stable of unicorns.” – Jarod Kintz

83. “Dreams are the playground of unicorns.” – Anonymous

Amusing Quotes on Unicorns to Lift up Your Mood

84. “He is my unicorn, though. That’s how I felt falling in love with him as if I’d found a creature of myth.” – Rivka Galchen

85. “Those who believe are the people who search for it with wide, curious eyes. Non-believes have closed their eyes and their hearts, but hey! Once you find that magic, maybe you can show it to them, too.” – Anonymous

86. “There are wild elephants in the country, and numerous unicorns which are nearly as big.” – Marco Polo

87. “Did you hear about the unicorn with a negative attitude? She always said, ‘neigh.’” – Anonymous

88. “Roll me in fairy dust and call me a unicorn.” – Anonymous

89. “If the unicorn does live among the snows held up forever on the line of the Equator, then it is clear why the world should know so little about him.” – Odell Shepard

90. “Being a unicorn isn’t about being real. It’s about being really awesome!” – Sugarhai

91. “Rhinos are just fat unicorns. If we’d give them the time and attention they deserve, as well as a diet: they’d reveal their majestic ways.” – Anonymous

Wonderful Unicorn Quotes to Encourage You to Chase Rainbows

92. “Happy as a unicorn eating cake on a rainbow.” – Anonymous

93. “Some days you just want to hop on your unicorn and fly somewhere over the rainbow.” – Anonymous

94. “You are the rainbow to my unicorn.” – Anonymous

95. “Stars were golden unicorns neighing unheard through blue meadows.” – William Faulkner

96. “Life’s all about rainbows, glitter, and unicorns.” – Anonymous

97. “Make today a glitter-filled bag of rainbows and unicorn farts.” – Anonymous

98. “Hope your day is filled with unicorns and glitter.” – Anonymous

99. “Keep calm. There are pink fluffy unicorns dancing on the rainbows.” – Anonymous

100. “The only thing that would make her jealous would be if I led a parade riding a unicorn while ballerinas sang love songs.” – Brandon Mull

101. “May your day be more beautiful than a unicorn farting rainbows.” – Anonymous

Quotes and Facts on Unicorns

102. “I thought unicorns were more—fluffy.” – Terry Pratchett

103. “Unicorns are immortal. It is their nature to live alone in one place: usually, a forest where there is a pool clear enough for them to see themselves—for they are a little vain, knowing themselves to be the most beautiful.” – Peter S. Beagle

104. “Unicorns don’t lose sleep over the opinions of little ponies.” – Anonymous

105. “A unicorn is just a horse with a point of view.” – Ron Sexsmith

106. “Unicorns practically breathed magic. He was to a horse what a horse was to a pig, four tiny cloven hooves shone like burnished silver, slender legs as graceful as an antelope’s led to a slender body, a delicate neck with an arch-like the stem of a lily-blossom and a head like the blossom itself, crowned with that glorious pearly horn. And the eyes- big golden-brown eyes you could fall into and never come out of.” – Mercedes Lackey

107. “The unicorn was white, with hoofs of silver and graceful horn of pearl—the glorious thing about him was his eye.” – T. H. White

108. “The unicorn lived in a lilac wood, and she lived all alone. She was very old, though she did not know it, and she was no longer the careless color of sea foam but rather the color of snow falling on a moonlit night. But her eyes were still clear and unwearied, and she still moved like a shadow on the sea.” – Peter S. Beagle

109. “But is the unicorn a falsehood? It’s the sweetest of animals and a noble symbol.” – Patrick Rothfuss

110. “The unicorns were the most recognizable magic the fairies possessed, and they sent them to those worlds where belief in the magic was in danger of falling altogether. After all, there has to be some belief in magic—however small—for any world to survive.” – Terry Brooks

111. “A fabulous animal resembling a horse with one horn.” – Peter S. Beagle

112. “Unicorns don’t care if you believe in them any more than you care if they believe in you.” – Anonymous

113. “Their bodies are white, their heads dark red, and their eyes dark blue. They have a horn on the forehead which is about a foot and a half in length.” – Ctesias

114. “Today it is said that the unicorn never existed. However, it is marvelously clear that when the unicorn was first described and centuries later when the tapestries were woven, everyone believed in unicorns.” – Marianna Mayer

115. “High on his forehead rose the magic horn, the sign of his uniqueness: a tower held upright by his alert, yet gentle, timid gait.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

Funny Unicorn Quotes That Will Make You Feel Lighter

116. “I would wanna be a mermaid, but I think I’m a little bit more of a unicorn because I’m like a little bit more horsey.” – Blake Lively

117. “When I look at myself in the mirror, I see a unicorn. A badass unicorn.” – Sebastien Milon

118. “Being a person is getting too complicated. Time to be a unicorn.” – Anonymous

119. “When someone told me that I live in a fantasy land, I nearly fell off my unicorn.” – Anonymous

More Unicorn Quotes That Will Pique Your Interest

120. “Like a lion, without fear of the howling pack. Like a gust of wind, ne’er trapped in a snare. Like a lotus blossom, ne’er sprinkled by water. Like me, like a unicorn, in solitude roam.” – Hymn of Buddha

121. “When a unicorn is slain, men have destroyed again the image of beauty that they seek.” – Nicholas Stuart Gray

122. “Behind every successful unicorn is a pack of haters.” – Anonymous

123. “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” – Anonymous

124. “Stars were golden unicorns neighing unheard through blue meadows.” – William Faulkner

125. “Sorry, I can’t. I have to take my unicorn for a walk.” – Anonymous

126. “Do you know, I always thought unicorns were fabulous monsters, too? I never saw one alive before! ‘Well, now that we have seen each other,’ said the unicorn, ‘if you’ll believe in me, I’ll believe in you.’” – Lewis Carroll

127. “And from the heart of the blossom, there appeared a unicorn.” – James Endicott

128. “I’ll capture gentle zebras for your steeds and fill the stable with every kind of unicorn.” – Love Song of Night and Day

129. “A wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn.” – Benny Hill

130. “Take criticism, smash it into dust, add color and use it to paint breathtaking images of unicorns frolicking thru endless fields of greatness.” – Matthew Gray Gubler

What Powerful Message Did Our Collection Teach You About Hope, Creativity, and Self-love?

Unicorns are well-known all over the world, and everyone adores them. It’s a popular theme for various occasions, such as birthdays, school activities, Halloween, and so on.

They are the enchanted animal of miracles, teaching children that anything is possible. It’s impossible to be sad when you recognize its sparkly, glittery beauty.

This adorable creature inspires us to live life to the fullest, love ourselves, and be grateful for what we already have. Let us appreciate life the way unicorns do.

Did you feel the magic reading our collection? Which unicorn quotes are your favorites? Share your thoughts below!

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130 Unicorn Quotes to Sprinkle You With Enchantment (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.